Subsim Updates

11 February 2007

Silent Hunter IV screenshots galore!

The skippers in the Subsim Radio Room have been collecting screens from the upcoming Silent Hunter 4 game. Included are battle scenes, underwater attacks, commando insertions, air attacks, and dev team pics. Seen a new screenshot of Silent Hunter 4? Post it in this thead.

Silent Hunter IV screenshots

Silent Hunter 4

03 February 2007

Exclusive hands-on preview of Silent Hunter IV by Subsim

With a stated release date only a few months away, Elvin Gee, PR coordinator for Ubisoft, invited Subsim to the San Francisco office for a presentation by the Lead Designer Dan Dimitrescu and Lead Programmer Ioan Manea, followed by a hands-on demo. Both men are veterans from the critically acclaimed Silent Hunter III. Additionally, Dan is a hardcore history buff. As I would learn later in the afternoon while touring the USS Pampanito with them, his knowledge of the Pacific war and US subs is impressive.

Silent Hunter 4 makes a strong first impression. The graphics, shading, and lifelike movement of the water, clouds, and ships surpasses SH3. Ships have an incredible amount of detail. The dev team had two guys assigned to improving the water definition and coloring, including translucent sun rays beneath the waves. The ships now have a "3D wake effect", and when you dive, you can see the shape of the sub just beneath the waves. Things are looking better at the bottom, too. The sea floor is included in the graphics upgrade, with rocks, vegetation, and possibly wreckage scattered about.